Clinic based outpatient occupational therapy services are appropriate for children ages 6 months and up.
Clinic based occupational therapy sessions run in groups of 10 week sessions including 1 hour video consultation with parents at beginning and end group of sessions. For new patients this includes a 1 hour video consultation prior to initial evaluation at clinic and progress check-in after 8 weeks of sessions. For returning patients this includes a 1 hour video progress consultation before and after each session.

OT sessions will be billed in groups of 10 sessions at a time. Payment is expected before the time initial evaluation.
Initial Evaluation: $350 1 hour video intake with parent to discuss goals and past history and initial 1 hour home based session
Treatment Sessions: $150 an hour
Treatment sessions are billed in groups of 8 sessions and 1 one hour video consultation at beginning and end of 8 weeks of sessions.
Consultations: 1 hour video progress consultations are $150 and will be billed along with a group of 8 sessions.
Cost of 10 Weeks of Sessions for Returning Patients (Participated in last group of 10 sessions): $1,500
Cost of 10 Weeks of Sessions for New Patients: $1,700